When my father was 24 years old, he went off to war in Germany. His unit, the 20th Armored Division, was among those that liberated Dachau. But the story he tells most about the war was the day he walked into the living room of an abandoned German farmhouse. There was a fireplace, a picture of Jesus on the mantle, an easy chair, a kitchen table. He says he remembers clearly what he thought. “These are the people we're fighting? They're just like us,” he realized.

I’ve worked at newspapers all my life, and I’ve been sent to countless houses to photograph people who have pictures on the mantle and easy chairs and kitchen tables. Somewhere along the way, I came to the same realization my father had. These people are just like me.

Other photographers have gone off to war and enlightened us to the horrors and strife in the world. I’ve chosen to make pictures of ordinary people doing ordinary things. I’ve devoted my career as a manager to teaching other photographers that it is the lives of ordinary people going to work, raising children, cheering at T-ball games, that photographers must also document, that such pictures need not be merely snapshots.

Now I’ve retired from 40 years of photojournalism and created this website so I can practice what I’ve preached.

Let me know how I can make the site better. I would love to have your pictures to display.

--Bryan Moss

"Civilization is a stream with banks. The stream is sometimes filled with blood from people killing, stealing, shouting, and doing the things historians usually record -- while, on the banks, unnoticed, people build homes, make love, raise children, sing songs, write poetry, and even whittle statues.

"The story of civilization is the story of what happened on the banks."

-Will Durant

Email me at bmoss@lifeincorydon.com